May 2022 issue of the Forward
The Temple Emanu-El was erected in the late 1950’s in Longview, Tx and it served its community for over 70 years. Due to dwindling membership the Temple is set to close. The Synagogue was once a robust congregation with a thriving Sunday School and Youth community. In the mid 80s when interest in religion began to wane, The Temple lost its full time Rabbi and their Sunday School closed due to lack of attendance. Fast forward 40 years, and only 8 regular congregants remain.
The Sanctuary
Barbara McClelland, Temple member.
The library at Temple Emanu-El piled high with precious memories for cataloging, preserving and inventory.
Dr. Zapata “The Wine Guy”
Mendy and Natalie Rabicoff have been member of the Temple for 30+ years.
Rusty Milstein chairman of the Temple’s building and grounds committee.
A “for sale” sign sits ominously outside Temple Emanu-El in Longview, Tx.
Laura Romine (L) with her her daughter, middle and sister in law, right. Preparing Passover Sedar for the remaining members of the Temple and guests.
Jeff Millstein blows the Shofar to let everyone know that the Sedar is about to begin.
In the Temple’s hayday congregants filled this room, the Sanctuary and many members were left standing for services. Today all of the remaining members and guests, fill these 4 folding tables.
The feast has been cleaned up and the members and guests have all gone home. It’s not long now, before they turn off the lights. For Good.
The 8 remaining members are a hodgepodge of larger than life characters. Rusty Milstein, is chairman of the grounds committee, his grandfather was a founding member and his son, Jeff, attended Sunday School. Dr Zapata owned a vineyard so he’s the unofficially “The Wine Guy.” He brings all of the yummy for special events. Barbara McLelland isn’t even Jewish, she lost her first husband some years ago and was sobbing her way through a Walmart when a friend found her and asked her to join her at Temple. Barbara found the comfort and community she was in need of and has never left. There’s Mendy and Natalie Rabicoff, long time members and Laura Romine the youngest member of the Temple. Laura is Rusty’s right hand woman. With attendance down to just 8 regular worshipers whose average age is about 75, the youngest member Laura is helping Rusty with all of the heavy lifting in preparation for the eventual closing. Together they have been taking inventory and cataloging all of the memories, planning where the Temple’s precious artifacts will be donated and building the Temple’s Legacy. The history within these walls is palpable. Walls that have seen countless weddings, bar and bat mitsvahs, high holidays and weekly Shabbat services are now for sale.
Our shoot was scheduled for Passover weekend - lucky me! Even better, there was a place for me at the table which is a metaphor for this community’s entire existence. There is always a place for you, whoever you are.