Bishop: Then and Now

This project started by accident. Three weeks into COVID 19 lockdown, I wanted to create some beautiful lighting and try anything to keep my 11 year old engaged. Online school was in its infancy, and teachers were struggling to just keep the kids sitting at their computers. Especially my spunky kid. So we made this portrait.
I wonder now what he must have been thinking;
“Sweet, no school!”
“I miss my friends”
“When is spring break over?”

“What is happening?”

One year later, This face says it all. This one year looks like five. Quarantine has taken its toll on this 12 year old face. By this time, he’s missed his 5th grade graduation from school. Spent the entire summer stuck in the house with his family and 3 year old brother. He’s missed almost his entire first year of middle school which already an incredibly confusing time in a young person’s life. Not to mention the growth and maturity coming next.
He’ll be back in school this year, with a vaccination and a mask which is frustrating. He doesn’t feel like himself when he’s wearing a mask. When will it ever be normal again?

Bishop 4.2021.jpg

I wonder what this face will look like next year.
